Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pool Time

Who knew that Addie would enjoy the $8 dollar pool at Grandma's house even more than the $150 pool pass that we purchased for the Edina Aquatic center this summer? Apparently if you let her swim in her clothes and play with toys like tuperware and spatulas - she is happy as a clam! I will think a little more carefully before shelling out the money next summer for a pool pass!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dirty Girl

Addie decided to help Daddy wash the car and this was the outcome........scary!!!!
She looks a little like a crabby drag queen gone wrong!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


"Boots".........this is the word that we keep hearing over and over again. Addie decided that there was no way she was leaving the house without her favorite purple rainboots - although they were totally unncessary. For some reason, Addie has an obsession with her boots - wants to wear them everywhere, no matter what the weather is.

I couldn't resist snapping a picture of her "toddler attitude" before we left for daycare. She looks so sad and pathetic........

P.S. Her boots are now hidden - we are hopeful that she has forgotten about them and we won't have to send her into public with her summer shorts and boots that go up to her knees!

It almost looks like we allowed her to dress herself - such a trendy little outfit!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Queen of the World!

Addie loves her new swing set!!

And her $.25 cowboy hat that we got from a garage sale................lovely!

After much debate and research, we finally decided on a swing set from Menards. Addie seems to have mastered it already, she can quickly scale the rock wall and has no problem climbing the back ladder. We also bought her an infant swing assuming that she would swing in that for at least another year or so, but no, she has decided that she likes the "big girl" swing best and only wants her infant swing when she is feeling lazy and wants to relax and suck her thumb.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Favorite Chair...

Going through some pictures of Addie, I realized that she really loves her cute little striped chair from Big Lots - what a deal!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sicky Sick

Addie isn't feeling well today - she woke up a little warm, but only a 99.8 degree temp, so off to daycare she went. We got a call at 11:30am from daycare telling us that she had diarrhea and her temp was 100.8, so it is time to pick her up! Mike picked her up and she took a good nap and seems to be feeling much better! She will need to stay away from daycare for 24 hours so she will have another day home with Daddy tomorrow. Hopefully it will stop raining and they will be able to play outside, otherwise it might be a very long day!

Addie's New Blog

We decided to finally try out the new wave technology and get on board with all the bloggers. Addie is now 18 months, so she missed the first 1.5 years of potential posts, and there is a good probability that these posts will be sporatic, but we will do what we can!