Monday, November 30, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes

Since we were only having small family birthday parties this year, Emilia and family came over one night for dinner and some b-day cupcakes. Addie lucked out with a great new outfit that she has received lots of compliments on, and 6 pairs of high heel dress shoes that the girls had a good time trying out for the first time! We now keep the shoes in the basement where there is carpeting, because Addie just doesn't have her mother's natural grace quite yet....... Addie and Emilia are doing some prep work, getting the sprinkles ready, aprons on, and spatulas ready to go.
This picture looks like Addie already started to enjoy the chocolate frosting, from the looks of her chin.
Mommy trying to have a little control over the sprinkles, they were going all over my freshly mopped floor and it was sort of freaking me out!
Addie finished off her cupcake in about half the time as Emilia and actually shoved the entire last half in her mouth all at once, it was a bit of a disaster, but she had fun!
Thanks for coming of Mia, it was fun!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mommy & Toddler Halloween Party

It is amazing how much can change in the course of a year! Below is a picture of the Mommy & Baby group that we have been a part of since Addie was only 6 weeks old. What an amazing group of women, we have been so lucky to have each other over the last 2 years. It has been wonderful talking, sharing stories and advice, laughing and watching our little babies turn into 2 years olds! Halloween 2009 - Addie still screaming her head off!

Halloween 2008 - Addie screaming her head off!

Cute little costumes, Addie is a Panda Bear, in case that wasn't obvious (most people thought she was a cow!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

MY Halloween

Addie was a cute little Pumpkin for Halloween this year. This year was much more exciting than last, as she could actually walk to the houses, rather than her half-hearted crawl! Addie loved wearing her costume, and had a number of opportunities to do so. She had a little party at daycare where all the kids dressed up and had treats, and we also attended a Halloween party with our friends from Mommy & Baby group (will post pictures from that later). I was able to get Addie to stand still and pose for a picture with her little pumpkin bucket, before we got dressed to go outside and start knockin on doors! Since Mike was unable to partake in Addie's first Trick-or-Treating experience (Gopher game) we had Grandma and Auntie Katie come over to participate in the fun. Grandma thought it would be funny to arrive in her Elvira wig wearing the most hideous teeth ever, as soon as Addie saw her she turned around and started running back to me crying, "scary." Nice mom.

Since this was Addie's first year, Nana had Addie practice her lines by knocking on the garage door and going through the whole rehearsal. She caught on very quickly and pretty much thought this was the best day of her life, I only have to say "Trick-or-Treat" and I get candy??"
Here is Addie pitching a minor fit about having to put her coat on over her costume, which she wasn't thrilled about, but the allure of more candy quickly turned her attitude around.

After we returned from Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood (probably hit up about 5 houses) Addie stood guard over the candy bowl by putting her hand on it and repeating "My Halloween" over and over again about 100 times! She is good entertainment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grandma's Surprise Party

Grandma Muckenhirn turned 50 on Halloween and the kids stepped up to organize a surprise party for her at a local Watertown restaurant, which sounds like is frequented by Jim and Patti on a pretty regular basis. Even though it was a small gathering, there was plenty of entertainment. Since we had the upstairs blocked off for us, Addie was able to run all over and that she did. She had a great time pulling down the streamers and kicking the decorative "balls" back and forth with Dave, which didn't last the night after Addie decided they looked sturdy enough to hold her weight!
Addie hamming it up and wearing the birthday hat.

Addie and Grandma after Grandma took her first ever shot! And then a 2nd...........

The group, with Patti's head cut off by Mike's huge melon!