Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Quotes

My mom came up for the day and we decided to take the kids to the Minnesota Arboretuem, which was beautiful, on the drive home Addie starts to ask again about Jade (poor Jade is now in doggy heaven).  We tried to explain to Addie that Jade was really sick and was at the animal hospital and wouldn't be coming home.  I started with this approach because as I thought it would be easier to understand and that eventually she would forget about Jade.  I was wrong. 
A:  Is Jade still at the Doctor?
Nana:  Yeah, she is really sick and not coming home.
A: How did she get really sick?
Nana: Well, she just got old.
A: How did she get old?
Nana: She has just been around many years.
A: Kind of like you Nana? 
Nana: Yes, old like me.