Monday, August 24, 2009


Addie and Daddy have yet another thing in common, they both like to wash and admire the Mustang! Sounds like Addie had a total bawl helping Dad wash both the Rav and the Mustang on Saturday morning, while I was at the gym (you will notice there are only pictures in front of the Mustang, so weird.......) Addie continued to scrub in the same area about 2ft off the ground for about 15 minutes, and when she got bored with that............
She proceeded to stomp in the puddles and see what kind of mess she could create. It is amazing how much toddlers love to play in the water, especially when bubbles are involved! I can't even tell you the number of times Addie has requested "bubbles!" either in her bath or when we are playing outside, or just sitting on the porch - and each time her face lights up like it is the first time she is seeing them!

1 comment:

  1. What a great little helper. And so funny that Muck wastes no time putting her to work!

    It looks like she turned into a red head in the pics!
