So we finally arrived at the fair and started off at the Miracle of Birth Center and saw a few baby animals, which is always entertaining. The rest of the time we spent scoping out the food stands and Mike sent us on a mission for a particular cheese curd stand. Addie tried a fresh squeezed lemonade and thought it was probably the best drink she has ever had!
Addie caught sight of the carousel and thought that it looked like great fun, so Nana bought her a ticket and off they went on Addie's first carousel ride. She started out fairly confident, just sitting on the horse was fine, but when the carousel started up, her face became more and more distraught with each circle around until finally she was again in full force tears. Sad trip on the carousel, we might skip that next year. Actually, we might skip the State Fair altogether and stick with the small town fairs!
You crack me up, Erin! It will be a completely different experience for her next year - I promise! Emilia went on rides and everything this year - I was SURE she was going to cry the whole time...she LOVED it! All she needs is a friend with her so she is more daring...it's always more fun with friends, right? :)