Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Andrew Makes His Appearance......Finally!

So I decided that my last day of work would be Friday June 4th in anticipation of Andrew's Friday June 11th due date.  I was sure that since he was measuring big, I was having a number of contractions, and was very uncomfortable, he would cooperate and show up a little early for me.  Not so much.  I had a Dr. Appt on Wednesday June 9th in which my Dr. said that I was 2-3 cm dilated and could go at any time, but the earliest that she could induce me was on Sunday.  Okay, I can wait a few more days, and hopefully he will decide to come on his own before then.  Not so much.  At 5:30am on Sunday my Dr. called and said that there was no way she could induce me, she currently had 4 active labors and all of the beds were filled up.  Very disappointing, we were all set to have a baby that day - bag packed, my Mom on her way to take care of Addie, Katie was ready to coach me through it.  Oh well, I am nothing if not totally flexible........

So on Monday I called the Dr. office to find out when the next induction could be scheduled, and we set the date for Wednesday June 16th at 7:30am.  On Tuesday night at about 7pm I started having contractions that lasted throughout the night - painful enough to keep me up for several hours.  So Mike and I took Addie to McDonald's prior to dropping her off at daycare (apparently my contractions were not reason enough for Mike to skip out on his egg mcmuffin.)  When I arrived at the hospital, there were able to get me checked in right away and hooked up to a fetal monitor, and baby was being very active (thanks to my sugary yogurt parfait).  The nurse checked me and said that I was about 5 cm's dilated at that point and having contractions about every 5 minutes.  So regardless of induction we were having a baby that day for sure!  The nurse contacted my Dr. to find out if it was even necessary to start the pitocin, which they decided to do, and she said that we would have a baby by lunch time.  This seemed very quick, considering the fact that I was in labor with Addie for 20 hours!  Soon after the pitocin was administered, I also received an epidural, which did not take on the first attempt, so they administered again, and this time I could feel my legs go numb.  I am pretty sure the contractions were more uncomfortable than the the effects of the epidural, but it still was not a pleasant experience.  By 11:15am I was dilated to 10 cm's and ready to start pushing, and we actually started a bit before the Dr. arrived, and at 11:30am Andrew made his appearance into the world!

We could not believe how big he was, he was huge, seemed more like a 2 month old rather than a newborn!  He spent the first 5 minutes of his life pooping all over the place (he pooed 3 times before the nurse was even able to weigh him.)  Really not much has changed since then!

The next couple of hours were rough, I had a lot of bleeding and had a horrible case of the shakes from the epidural wearing off - my teeth were chattering and my body was shaking uncontrollably for about an hour - it was exhausting. 

After awhile we were moved to another room to try and get some rest.  Mike went to pick up Addie and some Potbelly subs for dinner.  Addie was so excited to meet her little brother - at this point we still had not decided on his name, so he was still being referred to as "little brudder."

After 30 hours in the hospital, I decided enough was enough and we were ready to take out little package home.  Well, I was ready to go home, and they make you take the baby with you, so off we were to start our new life as a family of 4!!

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