Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sweet Corn

Hilarious. Addie won't eat any vegetables - not even sweet corn that is in season, and straight from the farmer's market - however, she absolutely refused to let go of this piece. She helped Daddy peel the corn and would then deliver it to Mommy in the kitchen, but she was only willing to let a piece go if she knew it was going to be replaced right away with another one. She gets a great big smile on her face because she thinks she is being such a great "helper".......... and of course we praise her, so she really gets into it - so we will see how much longer this lasts! We certainly know this picture isn't real!!
She is a little too much like Mike - possesive of her car, and likes to go really fast! Even Bailey is having a hard time keeping up!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Daycare Fun

Addie's daycare provider (who she loves) was nice enough to post these great pictures on my Facebook page, so I decided to download and share with everyone who doesn't have the FB. As you can see, there are many activities at Cari's house - everything from peeking out of the playhouse, to climbing up the ladder, to taking a ride on the Gator (Yes, Addie actually drives this machine! She crosses her left leg over to reach the peddle and even steers it herself. I have witnessed it, and it is a little scary!) I am really thankful that she likes her daycare so much - especially since she spends 40+ hours a week there. She isn't quite to the point of being able to tell us what she did that day - but she is very good about repeating the names of the kids at daycare over, and over, and over again - we get the point, you love EMMA!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Gossip Girl

I had to laugh when I was looking back through these pictures and remembering Addie sitting on the couch with her US Weekly magazine, paging through the picutres like she was really getting into it (and not just putting on a show.) I laughed even harder when I rembered how completely pissed off she got when I took her magazine away (after she proceeded to tear out the nasty Britney pictures!). Oh the world of Toddlers...........they are such fun! "I totally love my immitation People magazine!"
"Serioulsy, is that really what she is wearing?!!"

"Give me back my Gossip Mag!!"

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby Doll

Addie is now really getting into her "baby" - she has one at home, Nana's, and Mike's parent's house - it was a very popular 1st Birthday present! There are times when she is so sweet with her dolly, giving it a a big hug and holding it up close to her cheek. But most times, her nurturing instincts leave her, and poor baby is getting her eyes poked out, run over by the stroller, or simply thrown out of the way. Addie intently examing her baby and trying to figure how to get those little balls out!
Taking baby for a ride in the wagon - one of the few occassions that baby isn't being abused!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Coloring........not so much!

So this is exactly why Addie has been "banned" from all forms of coloring. She hasn't seemed to yet master the concept of only coloring on her paper rather than her face, hair, mouth, shirt - you get the picture..............

One of her favorite things to do is climb up into her high chair when it is positioned next to the back counter and then proceed to open all of the drawers that her little arms can reach into. One of the most rewarding of these episodes is when she finds the markers AND the play dough - so many fun things to put in her mouth!

By the way, the "washable" advertising on these markers is misleading, as I learned the hard way when trying to get this shirt clean!