Monday, July 13, 2009

Daycare Fun

Addie's daycare provider (who she loves) was nice enough to post these great pictures on my Facebook page, so I decided to download and share with everyone who doesn't have the FB. As you can see, there are many activities at Cari's house - everything from peeking out of the playhouse, to climbing up the ladder, to taking a ride on the Gator (Yes, Addie actually drives this machine! She crosses her left leg over to reach the peddle and even steers it herself. I have witnessed it, and it is a little scary!) I am really thankful that she likes her daycare so much - especially since she spends 40+ hours a week there. She isn't quite to the point of being able to tell us what she did that day - but she is very good about repeating the names of the kids at daycare over, and over, and over again - we get the point, you love EMMA!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Just wait until she's in the car on the way HOME from daycare and whines..."I want to go to daycare..." I wonder if they even miss us!?!?
    PS - When did she turn into such a BLONDIE!?!?
