Sunday, July 5, 2009

Baby Doll

Addie is now really getting into her "baby" - she has one at home, Nana's, and Mike's parent's house - it was a very popular 1st Birthday present! There are times when she is so sweet with her dolly, giving it a a big hug and holding it up close to her cheek. But most times, her nurturing instincts leave her, and poor baby is getting her eyes poked out, run over by the stroller, or simply thrown out of the way. Addie intently examing her baby and trying to figure how to get those little balls out!
Taking baby for a ride in the wagon - one of the few occassions that baby isn't being abused!

1 comment:

  1. Addie IS a doll :) So cute!!
    What is it with their fascination on the eyes!? Emilia pulled all the lashes off of one of her babies! Poor baby.
