Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sweet Corn

Hilarious. Addie won't eat any vegetables - not even sweet corn that is in season, and straight from the farmer's market - however, she absolutely refused to let go of this piece. She helped Daddy peel the corn and would then deliver it to Mommy in the kitchen, but she was only willing to let a piece go if she knew it was going to be replaced right away with another one. She gets a great big smile on her face because she thinks she is being such a great "helper".......... and of course we praise her, so she really gets into it - so we will see how much longer this lasts! We certainly know this picture isn't real!!
She is a little too much like Mike - possesive of her car, and likes to go really fast! Even Bailey is having a hard time keeping up!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute picture of the 3 of them! If you could see Bailey's face, I think she'd be smiling too :)
